Learn more about plagiarism
At IPAG, all documents (assignments, exercises, reports...) submitted by students on IPAGORA are checked by Urkund, a highly effective anti-plagiarism solution.
Reminder of the rules of procedure
Plagiarism consists of:
- Copying word for word a passage from a book, magazine or web page without putting it in quotation marks and/or without mentioning the source,
- Inserting images, graphics, data, etc. into an essay.from external sources without indentifying the source,
- Summarize an author's original idea in your own words, but without the source,
- Partially or totally translate a text without mentioning its source,
- Using someone else's work and presenting it as one's own,
- Buy an essay on the Web.
The school will submit any documents produced by the students to an anti-plagiarism software system if necessary.
Any student convinced of plagiarism is liable to disciplinary action up to and including a definitive exclusion from the school.
Reminder of the rules of procedure
Plagiarism consists of:
- Copying word for word a passage from a book, magazine or web page without putting it in quotation marks and/or without mentioning the source,
- Inserting images, graphics, data, etc. into an essay.from external sources without indentifying the source,
- Summarize an author's original idea in your own words, but without the source,
- Partially or totally translate a text without mentioning its source,
- Using someone else's work and presenting it as one's own,
- Buy an essay on the Web.
The school will submit any documents produced by the students to an anti-plagiarism software system if necessary.
Any student convinced of plagiarism is liable to disciplinary action up to and including a definitive exclusion from the school.